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Sculpture Repair Information

I used to repair stone sculptures. I no longer do so. If you got to this page you did so via a search engine link. As of December 2016 I don't do this any more, and I am waiting for those links to fall out of search engine results.

I have no one I can recommend, either. There aren't a lot of people out there saying they do such work.

The best advice I can offer is:

If the sculpture that needs repairing is particularly valuable, ancient, or by a well known artist, you need a trained conservator. Such people exist, but they are hard to find. Try:

If the sculpture doesn't require a trained conservator - maybe it was carved by a less known sculptor, a family member, or has only sentimental value - a conservator is still a fine choice, but you might also hire a sculptor to repair it if they are willing and have experience repairing things. Many sculptors have such experience because, frankly, things break. They get dropped, knocked over, or bumped and bruised in the studio or gallery. Gluing them back together and making them look good again becomes something at least some sculptors figure out. That said, most probably won't bother offering to repair the work of others, so it may be hard to find someone.

Here are some suggestions on how to find a local artist that might be willing to assist you:

Stone sculptors can be hard to find - and sometimes they've moved on to other media - but don't give up. Everyone you talk to can be asked if they know of anyone who can repair a stone sculpture for you.

In any case, I wish you good luck!

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